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New Holland
Discbine 310
Hay and Forage
Mowers - Conditioner
Stock No.
10' 3.9599990844726562"
2020 New Holland Discbine® 310/312 Center-Pivot Disc 310 (Chevron Rubber) PRODUCTIVE, VERSATILE AND MANEUVERABLE HIGH PRODUCTIVITY. VERSATILE OPERATION. EASY TO OWN. Center-pivot Discbine® 310 and 312 disc mower-conditioners mow cleanly and maneuver quickly to speed up your hay and forage making. They offer productive 10’ 4’’ and 11’ 6’’ cutting widths, simple maintenance and a modest 80- and 87-PTO-horsepower requirement that makes them easy to own. TIME-SAVING MANEUVERABILITY The productive center-pivot design lets you lay down long continuous swaths that save time throughout the haymaking process. By alternating from left to right on each pass, you improve your efficiency from cutting and through baling or harvesting. The Discbine 310 and 312 are at home in large fields as well as small or oddly shaped ones. The standard swivel gearbox hitch allows turns greater than 90° while the PTO angle remains virtually unchanged to practically eliminate driveline chatter and wear through the tightest turns. Transport width is no wider than the cutting width for easy movement between farm and field. FAST, SMOOTH CUTTING You cut every bit of crop when you choose a Discbine® 310 or 312 disc mower-conditioner. The new low-profile disc cutterbar gets all the crop and leaves clean, good-looking mown fields. Shallow working angle also means crop flows smoothly over the cutterbar into the conditioner for even conditioning. The high-capacity counter-rotating discs move crop rearward, out of t
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