Since 1970, JGM has conducted thousands of NO MINIMUM NO RESERVE auctions throughout the United States. JGM has an experienced team of auction personnel, many of whom have been in the auction industry for twenty-plus years.
Our past experience auctioning items and businesses from various different industries is what sets us apart from our competitors. JGM brings its past experience and wide range of industry specific knowledge and advertising to every auction ensuring your individual item and/or business auction is a success.
In addition to more than 100 offsite auctions each year, we conduct 6 annual heavy equipment auctions at our 10 acre auction facility in Kenmore, WA.
When you’ve found the perfect piece of equipment with Murphy Auction and are ready to place your bid, let Tractor Zoom help you compare interest rates from the industry’s leading lenders and estimate your payment.
Tractor Zoom is connecting farm equipment sellers and buyers faster than ever before. Finding farm equipment at auction or at a dealership has never been so easy.